The majority of campaigns and ideas die because they’re boring. Most people get that. But have you ever stopped to consider what that costs you? What’s the cost of being boring?
The majority of campaigns and ideas die because they’re boring. Most people get that. But have you ever stopped to consider what that costs you? What’s the cost of being boring?
Everyone kicks starts their creative process differently. Here is a simple tip for finding inspiration when you’ve reached the bottom of the well.
Sometimes all the component parts of a story have been told, but no-one listens. But when you gather them together and tell the whole story, things change.
Sometimes people describe a problem, but still leave the audience as cold as ice. It’s because they describe the problem in the wrong way. So what’s the right way?
When I read most company’s websites, I have to assume that they are hoping for a miracle to happen. What is the miracle, why is it unlikely to happen and what do you do about it? Read on.
Your brand messaging has to run through your business like a stick of rock. There no use having a genius name and strap line if everything else is boring.
There are some brand tag lines that seem to have been around forever. Newsflash: They have! Why do they do this and why does it work?
In a restaurant where what what you order may not be what appears ten minutes later, there lies a great marketing lesson. Sometimes it’s not enough to appeal to your target audience
If you spend your life worrying about what your competition are doing, you’ll never separate yourself from them. What should you do instead if you want to stand alone?
How we see people isn’t how they see themselves. What we think is their problem may not be what they think it is. Deciphering how your prospects are talking to themselves is your unfair advantage.
At the core of every great brand is a Big Idea. It’s sits at the heart of a big audacious vision for the brand. It’s what gives it direction and its what makes it’s audience swoon. Let’s take a look
More than five billion people have access to the Internet. It’s noisy! It’s hard to get noticed. Brewdog, the brand we love to hate, is a great example of what messaging in 2022 should look like if you want to overcome this.
Most people, when they write a headline, do what’s comfortable. They talk about the product. But it’s the emotional headline that grabs attention. Here’s a simple way to write a headline that people can’t ignore.
Most people’s description of their ideal customer is guess work. But without an accurate description of your ideal customer your campaigns will never be as successful as they could be. So how do we produce a detailed, ridiculously accurate buyer persona?
Every purchase has a moment, when something happens, and the buyer is triggered to take action. Understanding how and when this moment happens is like having Krytptonian cells. Let’s dive in and see.
We all see the world differently. Sometimes in very surprising ways. But if you can work our how your prospects see it, that’s gold dust. This video describes how a big brand did this with huge success.
People hate being criticised. But sometimes you can use other peoples’ criticism of you to your advantage. Read how The Guardian pulled this tactic off triumphantly when they were attacked by a senior politician.
The first thing people do when they decide they need to buy something is to ask their friends for a recommendation. How do you ensure that you’re the first name they think of?
Competing for demand in an existing market against an established leader is fruitless. If you can’t win your category, you have start your own category that you can win. Here is a great first-hand case study of how it’s done
If you don’t stand for something, you stand for nothing. But before you can tell your audience what you stand for, you have to know the rules you live and die by. We call these The Pool Rules
Most messaging and content on the Internet leaves us cold. It doesn’t challenge us in any way. So what do we have to do differently to everyone else to get peoples’ attention?
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