In a restaurant where what what you order may not be what appears ten minutes later, there lies a great marketing lesson. Sometimes it’s not enough to appeal to your target audience

Most people’s description of their ideal customer is guess work. But without an accurate description of your ideal customer your campaigns will never be as successful as they could be. So how do we produce a detailed, ridiculously accurate buyer persona?

The first thing people do when they decide they need to buy something is to ask their friends for a recommendation. How do you ensure that you’re the first name they think of?

The problem most businesses have is they use their messaging to try to convert everyone. They regard everyone as a prospective customer. Here’s why that is a huge mistake.

We buy what we want and not what we need. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the two apart. In this article we take a look at the ways in which problems and pain appear, and how they effect our decisions.