Dear Misfits

It's like starting your week with a Tequila shot and a double espresso. 

Almost 2,000 cool kids inject it directly into their veins each week in the hope of leading prospects to their inbox like the Pied Fucking Piper.

What are the cool kids saying?

"A quick hello and to say how much I enjoyed reading today's email about Brewdog. Spot on and a chuckle. You have a real talent for this stuff"
Peter Lewis, Chief People Officer

"Your stuff is great Peter!  I'm on a few mailing lists and yours is the only email I open"
Susan Ritter, Financial Educator and Mentor

"Peter, thank you for your consistently brilliant emails." - Avida Hancock, Business Founder

"One of the best emails I’ve ever received. The subject alone made me laugh out loud. Bravo Peter!"  David Towse, Commercial Director

"Your weekly emails brighten my Fridays! Thank you." - Anthony Taylor, Resilience Coach

"Cannot tell you how much I like reading your emails!" - Jennifer Tollady, Executive Coach

"I recommend you follow Peter on LinkedIn or subscribe to his weekly ‘Dear Misfits’ email" - Darren Waters, Chief Operating Officer

"I shared this week's edition Peter – it was that good.." - Shainul Kassam - Law Firm Founder

"Thanks so much for your hugely entertaining and insightful Misfit emails, I really enjoy reading them.." - Jeff Durrant - Business Owner

"Keep up the great work of educating us all" - Peter Kelleher, Founder

"Just a quick hello to let you know I’m enjoying your newsletters, they’re getting better every time. Keep ‘em coming!" - Jonathan Cozens - Managing Director

"Just to say I have really enjoyed your emails. They put a smile on my face! Thanks" - Henty Pullan - Marketing Manager

"Continue to be awesome" - Carrie Nicholson, Business Owner

"Nice email again Peter…bang on point." - Jas Khera - Managing Director, EU

"Perfectly put and made me think - thank you!" - Henry Walker - Business Owner

"Another great email. What a delight…thank you for the extra treat. 👍" - Anne Orr - Founder

"Loving your Friday Dear Misfits newslettery thing - and today, I just had to say kudos to you for saying it out loud" - Carri - Business Founder

"Excellent!" - Harry Cruickshank - Chief Marketing Officer

"Yet another superb message" - Declan Rowan - Managing Director, Australia

"I love this and wonder if we could use a slightly amended version" - Nick Stobbs - Business Founder

"You had me in stiches from the subject line 😊. Brilliant email…I’ve forwarded this" - Susan Cave - Owner, Molyneaux Services

"I fucking love this email" - Nushie

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